Stop Glyphosate – We go to court and we need your help

In this newsletter: NGOs go to the European court of justice to fight against the EU Commission's decision to reapprove glyphosate, huge loss for Bayer-Monsanto in the US, and good news in France for whistleblower Valérie Murat.

The European Commission has given the green light to 10 more years of glyphosate. A disaster for health, biodiversity, soil and water. Many independent scientific studies show these dangers. To re-approve glyphosate is a violation of the EU Pesticide Law that says that health and environment should go first. In case of substantial doubt, the precautionary principle has to be applied.

The Pesticide Action Network Europe will fight this decision in court, together with their members Générations Futures, Global2000, PAN Germany and PAN Netherlands. If they manage to win this case, the use of glyphosate and its products would be banned in the EU.

They will initiate this legal procedure because:

  • They are specialists in hazards and risks of pesticides, the regulations and EU pesticide law
  • They work with a network of renowned scientific experts
  • They work with a dedicated and specialised legal team
  • They have exposed gaps between the pesticide law and its implementation by authorities like EFSA and ECHA and the national institutions
  • They fought and won important cases in the EU Court of Justice

It will be a tough court case, for the stakes are high. Glyphosate is the top-selling herbicide and the flagship of chemical agriculture. Bayer-Monsanto and other producers will surely join the side of the European Commission in this court case. They have done this before. So the opponents and their lawyers will face a battery of well prepared and extremely well-funded opponents. This won’t stop PAN Europe and partners, for they are well prepared and know that science and the EU pesticide Law are on their side.

However, it will require a significant amount of work and resources from their experts and lawyers. They need your help to make this case a success. For our health, our biodiversity, our soil, our water and for a healthy future for our children, grandchildren and the generations to come.

Please donate.

You can also make a bank transfer directly to their bank account:
Pesticide Action Network Europe, IBAN: BE72 7340 2990 5816 – BIC/SWIFT: KREDBEBB

No pesticide Reduction law in the EU

That is what the majority of the European Parliament voted for on November 22. No protection or restoration of nature, no extra protection of farmers and citizens against dangerous pesticides. Most conservatives, liberals and far right and some social democrats listened to the lobby of the chemical industry. They gutted the proposal, including by making pesticide reduction non-binding and by lowering targets. The final proposal was so weak it didn't make it.

Photo credit: Lighting the way towards a #PesticideFreeEU - (c) The Left/Quentin Hugo

Another huge US loss for Bayer-Monsanto in the US

Bayer-Monsanto was ordered to pay $1.56 billion to four plaintiffs by a Missouri jury. They claimed Roundup caused cancer. This is the fourth consecutive verdict in similar cases.

The jury in Cole County, Missouri, found Bayer's Monsanto business liable for negligence, design defects and failing to warn of the potential dangers of using Roundup. The victims were awarded a combined $61.1 million in compensatory damages and $500 million each in punitive damages. They are diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, caused by using Roundup on their family property. The wife of one of the victims was awarded $100,000 for the harm she suffered from her husband's disease.

This closely follows a California jury that rewarded a victim $332 million to a victim diagnosed at age 51 with a form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. This is $7 million in compensatory damages and $325 million punitive damage. A week before that a Philadelphia Jury rewarded a victim $25 million plus $150 million in punitive damages. And another victim was rewarded $1.25 million. This made an end to a series of 9 consecutive wins by Bayer in similar trails.

The punitive damages will probably be substantially lower in the appeals launched by Bayer, but that cannot solve their problems for there are tens of thousands more cases pending, while Bayer already paid $10.9 billion in 2020 to settle 80% of the cases at that time.

Support for Valérie Murat – French pesticide victim

Thanks to your help, we could contribute to the case of Valérie Murat in France. She and her organisation Alerte aux Toxiques were fined €125,000 because they dared to expose residues of dangerous pesticides in Bordeaux wine with the HVE label (high ecological value). They could not appeal against this ridiculous decision before the fine was paid. Thanks to a crowdfunding and the help of several organisations they finally managed to start the appeal, so that justice can be done and the intimidation by the wine industry can be stopped. We'll keep you posted.

Please continue to support our work

Your donations help us to inform people and to keep the work of the Monsanto Tribunal visible. If we raise more than our costs (no salaries involved as we are volunteers), the rest will go to the Stop Glyphosate campaign. Thank you!




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